Can be used directly in soil, compost, mushroom and heated seed beds.
Useful when propagating or planting out etc.
Displays temperature in both degrees Centigrade & Fahrenheit. Range -30 to 50ºC (-20 to 120ºF)
Dimensions: 6 inches (15cm) long.
Made in the UK.
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For accurate results insert the thermometer between 2 to 3 inches into the compost or soil & check the temperature after 3 minutes.
Here's a simple guide to MINIMUM compost & soil temperature requirements for seed germination.
5ºC (40ºF) - Lettuce, Pea, Radish.
7ºC (45ºF) - Beetroot, Carrot, Leek, Parsnip, Spinach, Swede, Turnip.
10ºC (50ºF) - Broad Bean, Broccoli, Brussel Sprout, Cabbage, Onion, Spring Onion.
13ºC (55ºF) - French Bean, Runner Bean, Calabrese, Cauliflower.
18ºC (65ºF) - Marrow, Courgette, Sweet Corn, Tomato.
7ºC (45ºF) - Beetroot, Carrot, Leek, Parsnip, Spinach, Swede, Turnip.
10ºC (50ºF) - Broad Bean, Broccoli, Brussel Sprout, Cabbage, Onion, Spring Onion.
13ºC (55ºF) - French Bean, Runner Bean, Calabrese, Cauliflower.
18ºC (65ºF) - Marrow, Courgette, Sweet Corn, Tomato.