- Easy to sanitize
- Accurate and fast
- Never needs calibration
- Durable and reliable
- Press-fit hose barbs
- Saves water
- fits 3/8" ID hose
The Blichmann Thrumometer is revolutionizing the way you measure the temperature of your wort by allowing you to closely monitor your temperature while you are cooling down your wort. Blichmann's Thrumometer is an inline thermometer that when used in conjunction with a counterflow heat exchanger is the perfect way to pinpoint an ideal temperature for pitching your yeast while minimizing risk of bacterial infection. The temperature range of the Blichmann Thrumometer is between 58 and 88 degrees Fahrenheit. Ideal fermentation temperatures vary from depending on the strain of yeast. When cleaning do not use bleach, do not store in sanitizing solution, and do not soak with dissimilar metals. Clean with a mild detergent and dry thoroughly before storing.